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Podcast Artwork The Dumbass Media Empire
Friend of Amateur Skeptics Rational Alchemy The Dumbasses Guide to Knowledge SSASS Warning Radio AgentOfDoubt An Evening with an Atheist Atheists For Humanity A Skeptics Guide To Conspiracy
Up coming for the Amateur Skeptics Calendar
Placebo Band – North America
Duration: 00:47:24
Fort Collins Skepticamp This Saturday, Feb. 26th
Old Business: mail about McDonalds Coffee suits
The Actual Facts About - The McDonalds' Coffee Case - Bryan
Is Common sense Common?- Discuss Common sense Wiki definition
Science News:
I want my Flying Car - Shawn
Can you Count the Logical Fallacies in this one?
You can't overdose on homeopathic remedies; Why won't homeopathy skeptics drink their own medicine? - Ian (Thanks to Matthew Baxter for the link) (Steve Novella’s Reply to this article) Homeopathy Overdose Befuddles Homeopaths - Bryan
Harm of Homeopathy - Bryan
Religious Insanity:
U.S. Catholic Church blesses iPhone app for confession - Ian
Vatican warns about iPhone Confession app - Shawn
Attorney: Mom claims baby 'possessed - Bryan ( Thanks to Bryan Bonner) Affidavit: Mom tells police she hit child days before death - Bryan-does this have anything to do with prior story?( This are the same story. )
A Look at our Society:
Grandma, 61, gives birth to her own grandson - Ian
Pa. teacher strikes nerve with 'lazy whiners' blog - Ian
Little Girls Gone Wild: Why Daughters Are Acting Too Sexy, Too Soon - Ian
Iowa wrestling standout refuses to face girl - Ian
Sex at Dawn (This is the main Page) - Bryan ( Just finished this book. Very good read.) On amazon
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